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St. David's Welcomes You

St. David’s Episcopal Church is committed to following Jesus’ example of practicing radical hospitality, seeking to find God in all people because they are of sacred worth.  We welcome all persons, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic or marital status.  All are invited as full participants in the life and ministries of our community of faith.


Loving God. Loving One Another.

Upcoming Events


Join us Wednesday, January 22nd for a Francophone dinner.

Our next community night is Wednesday, January 22, starting at 6pm. January's community night is in partnership with Mes Amis French School, who operates out of our church building. 


The dinner will be a Francophone Dinner celebrating various parts of the world where French is spoken. Main dishes will be provided: Red rice from Gabon, plantains, chicken, and Haitian spaghetti (both vegan and meat options).


Participants are encouraged to bring a side dish such as French bread, salads, vegetables, potatoes, or dessert. 


Programming will include learning about the Francophone (French-speaking) world and Mes Amis. The Mes Amis community is also joining us this evening.


As usual, we will conclude the evening with a brief worship service together. 


Nous espérons vous voir nombreux à la soirée communautaire!  

We hope to see many of you at the community evening!

“Being Disciples”, by Rowan Williams… a short but powerful read 


In 2024 St. David’s offered a “congregational” read of the book, “The Truth at the Heart of the Lie,” by James Carroll, which was read and discussed by over twenty parishioners. This year’s book, “Being Disciples—Essentials of the Christian Life,” by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is intended to be a community-forming read inviting contemplation, sharing of stories, and transformation through active listening.

Our first discussion will be on Thursday, February 6th and will continue for the following three Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Kris Ferrario and Scott Clark will co-host the sessions and will develop questions for discussion. If you are planning to join this group, or have further questions, please contact Scott Clark. 

Hats & Mittens â€‹


Winter is here and folks are finally bundling up to keep warm. No one likes to feel cold, including children. St. David’s is once again participating this winter in the special all-volunteer organization called Hats & Mittens. 

Most items donated go to over 200 schools and social service agencies in the seven county metro area, who distribute them to children and young people in need.

A metro school that is a Hats & Mittens recipient wrote: 

“We are deeply grateful for your generous gifts. The majority of our scholars come from households living below or near the poverty level and frequently they struggle to provide the warm outerwear harsh Minnesota winters demand.”


We will be collecting all sizes of hats, mittens/gloves and scarves to keep infants to young adults warm this winter. Needed:

• new or gently used, clean hats and mittens,

 especially elementary-aged & teen mittens

 (waterproof). Right now we are particularly 

 short of male mittens and gloves.

• knitted or crocheted items are welcome

• scarves/neck warmers are also especially needed at this time. 


There are Hats & Mittens collection boxes at the two south church entrances. 


If you prefer to make a financial donation, it will go to purchase hats & mittens at wholesale prices. Online contributions can be made at:


We gain greater knowledge about ourselves, our community and our faith by connecting with one another. There are many opportunities to connect at St. David's.


Weekly Worship:

Join us each Sunday at 8:00 AM or 9:30 AM for worship indoors.

If you can't be with us in person, the service is streamed live on Facebook or available later on YouTube. We can be together in the Spirit, even when we are apart.


Regular offerings: 

We invite you to join a service of nighttime prayers, Compline, each evening via Zoom at 8:00 PM. Click here to read more about this service and access the Zoom link. An additional weekly offering we hold is Saturday morning prayer, held at 7:45 AM each Saturday morning. Click here to read more about this service.


Ministry Guide:

​Click here to learn more about the ministry and programming at St. David's.



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Prayer for the Human Family

O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Shalom and Salaam, let us stand in prayerful solidarity
with the people of the Holy Land.

Mary of Nazareth, who is both Jewish and Palestinian, extend your mantle of mercy over all the peoples of the Holy Land -- Jews, Muslims, Christians, Palestinians, Israelis, migrants, and refugees.

Mother of the Messiah, show us how to be instruments of healing and peace in the midst of war, occupation, terrorism, and divisions. Give us an embracing love for all in the Holy Land, especially hostages, innocent victims, the homeless, and the dying. We pray this in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


--Stephen J. Binz


Click each event to add to your personal calendar and see more details.

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