Click the sub-menu below or simply scroll down to learn more.
Compline - Every Evening at 8:00 PM
Compline is a brief—about 10 minutes—service of nighttime prayers and is a wonderful ritual before bedtime. The Book of Common Prayer, Kenyan Prayer Book, and New Zealand Night Prayer Book are used in rotation. On Mondays, a child reads from “Candle Walk: A Bedtime Prayer to God.” Anyone is welcome to join this online service via Zoom.
Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 852 2267 7461
Passcode: Pn2CjY
Or you can join by phone: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 852 2267 7461
Passcode: 516860
Saturday Morning Prayer
Join morning prayer on Saturday beginning at 7:45 AM. This service lasts approximately 15 minutes, and can be held either hybrid or via Zoom.
You can access the service through following the link on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 220 814 0673 Passcode: rWDY6k
Dial by phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 220 814 0673 Passcode: 576819
COVID Update
The St. David's COVID team continues to meet as needed and regularly monitors current data on COVID in both our state and local metro areas. We evaluate case numbers, wastewater data, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths due to the coronavirus to inform safety decisions concerning our parish community. View the data at COVID ACT Now. We have purchased high-quality HEPA Air Purifiers that we run in the Sanctuary, Undercroft, and meeting rooms to reduce potential exposure to COVID and other airborne diseases. We are guided by our tagline, Loving God, Loving One Another.
As of February 12, 2023 we have changed our masking policy to Optional, with the caveat that respect be shown for all, mask-wearing or not. Bottom line, we encourage thoughtful consideration: thinking and being mindful of where you are and who you are with when it comes to mask-wearing. Also, keep in mind that the CDC is still recommending mask-wearing for 10 days if you are exposed or test positive. Click the links for more information. Finally, as always, please stay home if you are ill and worship with us online. The links to our worship service are found above under weekly worship.
If you happen to test positive for COVID and were at church unmasked in the prior 48 hours, please email office@stdavidsparish.org.