At St. David’s, we worship a God of invitation and love, who longs for us to be in loving relationship with ourselves, with others, and with God.
We believe that all people are created in God’s image and beloved of God.
We practice forgiveness with ourselves and one another, knowing that none of us gets it right every time and that every day we begin anew.
We believe that each of us is called by God to discern the particular gifts we have been given, and that the world hungers for us to offer these gifts boldly and extravagantly.
We commit to the work of personal and collective transformation, knowing that God’s promise of justice and peace requires our hands and hearts.
We practice our faith in community and are a sacramental people, breaking bread around an inclusive Eucharistic altar, baptizing into the life and family of faith, being sent into the world in love and service.
We value a lifelong journey of curiosity as spiritual learners and ask, from our entrance into the faith through baptism, that we be given the gift of inquiring and discerning hearts.
We believe that doubt is a faithful part of our spiritual life and we value questions as much—or even more—than answers.
We are servant leaders and strive to be radically hospitable.
We invite you to join us in our community of faith where, as a joyful and playful people, we know and are known by one another. Wherever you may be in your journey of faith, we welcome you.
In God’s Love and Invitation,
The Rev. Katherine Lewis, Rector
Loving God. Loving One Another.

St. David’s Episcopal Church is located at 13000 St. David’s Road, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305
Our pastoral care line is 952-767-0891. Or you can email office@stdavidsparish.org.