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Our Mission

We at St. David’s Episcopal Church are devoted to loving and serving God, one another and the world. Honoring the dignity and freedom of all to seek God at their own pace, we connect our life stories with the teachings of Jesus.  Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we believe our actions transform the world and ourselves.


Statement of Welcome

St. David’s Episcopal Church is committed to following Jesus’ example of practicing radical hospitality, seeking to find God in all people because they are of sacred worth. We respect the dignity of all persons, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic or marital status. All are invited as full participants in the life and ministries of our community of faith.

Loving God.

Loving One Another.

Our Vision

St. David's lives out our Christian faith through Discipleship, Justice, Faithful Innovation, and Congregational Vitality following the Episcopal Church in Minnesota's Commitments for embodying a loving community:

  1. Our faith inspires and equips each of us, from young to old, to follow Jesus with hope into a loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, one another and creation.

  2. We are an innovative, healthy, and radically welcoming Christian community where all feel safe to gather, learn and connect.

  3. We know and are known by one another and respond with love and compassion to the needs of others.

  4. We as part of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement, see diversity as a gift from our Creator and aspire to build relationships with neighbors and across differences.

  5. We believe in God’s abundance and are faithful stewards of our land, buildings and financial resources to support staff and ministries now, and for generations to come.

  6. We strive, through our words and actions, to be a force for love and justice, collaborating with organizations that work to address needs in our community for the poor, suffering and marginalized.

  7. We continually discern our unique identity and gifts, empowering both lay people and clergy to seek new opportunities and intentionally try fresh ways to live the Good News within ourselves, our congregation, our neighborhood, and our communities.

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