Cornerstone Endowment
The Cornerstone Endowment of St. David’s allows you to establish a long-term giving plan, beyond your annual pledge. It was established in 2013 with an initial gift of $20,000 and is operated as a “true Endowment,” meaning only income earned on the Endowment’s corpus can be distributed. The Endowment Committee meets at least quarterly and reports to the parish a minimum of two times per year. Cornerstone Endowment contributors are members of the Legacy Society and commemorated on a plaque in the narthex of the church.
To learn more, read the following article:
The Cornerstone Endowment: What It Is. What It Does (06/22)
Latest Article:
The Cornerstone Endowment: One Couple’s Experience (08/22)
Click on the fund name and choose Endowment Fund from the drop down list.
Gifts can also be mailed to the church at:
13000 St. Davids Road
Minnetonka, MN 55305
For more information on giving to the Endowment Fund please contact Shea Brendalen.