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Worship and Pastoral Care
Hope Springs at Minnetonka - Volunteers participate in a simple church service of reading scripture, sharing stories, singing songs, and praying together. We meet on the 3rd Sunday of every month with our friends out at Hope Springs at Minnetonka, a local Behavioral Health Assisted Living Center. No rector credentials necessary! Please join us in this most rewarding outreach experience, fulfilling our mission of Loving God, Loving One Another.
Community of Hope International - a 14-week course of study rooted in the core wisdom of Benedictine Spirituality giving team members tools to participate as part of the pastoral care team at St. David’s. We visit the sick, are Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) and are present with those in need through prayer. We attend monthly meetings to support and facilitate our own spiritual growth.
Pastoral Care Team - our 11-member team regularly contacts our most vulnerable parishioners and reaches out to members of our community for fellowship, prayer, and conversation to determine if we, as a community, can help address an unmet need.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Prayers for healing and celebration are offered as shawls are knitted and crocheted, blessed and delivered to people who are sick or otherwise in need or during times of special celebration. Knitters and crocheters gather at 10am in the library the second Saturday of the month at church to share fellowship.

Hunger, Homelessness, and Education
Ada Kuto worshipped at St. David’s several years ago while staying with relatives during a visit from her home country of Kenya. She came to know people in the congregation and stayed in touch after returning home. Since then, Ada has welcomed visitors from St. David’s to her Anglican church in Ziwa, Kenya. The partnership between our two faith communities has resulted in opportunities for Ziwa students to get scholarships and farmers to receive seeds to plant fields. We continually raise funds and occasionally host a meal, complete with Kenyan food, music, and fun.
Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative
St. David’s is one of nearly 100 congregations who support the work of this organization’s mission: As a collaborative of congregations united in action, we create homes and advance equitable housing.
While diverse in religious traditions, sizes, locations and experiences, each congregation is called to action by faith—working, growing, and learning together, raising voices for the sake of a more compassionate and just Minnesota. Collectively, congregations open fellowship halls and classrooms and cook hot meals to shelter families in crisis; turn out for city council meetings and write postcards to legislators; make sure residents have sheets, spatulas, and laundry soap for their first night in a new apartment.
“Our many faiths call us to act to create more equitable communities where all people have a home.”
Administrative offices are located on the St. David’s campus. Parishioners regularly donate food, household, and personal hygiene supplies to this program. ICA’s mission: To offer hope as we provide assistance to our neighbors in need.
Loaves & Fishes is a non-profit program serving hot meals to those in need. Parishioners prepare and serve meals on a regular basis at St. Gabriel’s Church in Hopkins on the 2nd Tuesday, 4th Monday and 5th Tuesday of each month.

Connecting for Play
St. David's Wonder Women Happy Hour - Women from St. David's meet on a semi-regular basis once a month from 5-7pm for an informal happy hour. In nice weather, gatherings are at people’s houses, porches, and decks. In winter, generally on Zoom. Details are posted in the weekly Thursday email. Please join us for casual conversation, fun, and fellowship.
Community Dinners - Throughout the year, we gather to share meals together. Last year it included a traditional St. Patrick’s Day dinner, a Cinco de Mayo dinner, a Wednesday night meal series during Lent among others. Recognizing the importance of food and fellowship, we are looking to continue this practice in the new program year, but don’t know exactly what it will look like. If you are interested in helping brainstorm ideas or plan a meal, please reach out to office@stdavidsparish.org.
Bike Club - occasional summer group rides, visiting areas in Minneapolis or raising funds for a designated cause. Watch the weekly update for information.
Progressive Dinners - a favorite social gathering that’s temporarily on hold. Watch the weekly update for information.
Bridge Club - The St. David’s Bridge Group meets in the Undercroft the third Friday evening of the month, September to June except December. We play relaxed, enjoyable “rubber” bridge. We send out an email each month to find out who is available to play that month. There is no requirement to commit to play for the whole year. Email Susan to get added to the list at ss2taylor@comcast.net.
First Friday - this monthly lunch with a guest speaker is temporarily suspended due to Covid. Watch the weekly update for information.
Hiking with St. David’s - an occasional event; details to be announced.
Women who camp - an occasional event; details to be announced.